Silva Method Atlanta & Western NC
Silva Life & Intuition 4 Day Immersion | Virtually Over Zoom | Two Weekends March 29-30 & April 5-6, 2025 | Basic Lecture Series Graduate Upgrade
Silva Life & Intuition 4 Day Immersion | Virtually Over Zoom | Two Weekends March 29-30 & April 5-6, 2025 | Basic Lecture Series Graduate Upgrade
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Welcome back Basic Lecture Series Graduate! The Silva Method upgraded to a new format in 2007. Please take a moment and read through all of the important information below! Please email Amy at a copy of your Basic Lecture Series Certificate and/or ID Card to register.
Many new and exciting exercises, techniques, and enhancements have been added since you first took the Basic Lecture Series. The result today is an evidence-based updated course with a fresh new format, and 40% brand new material, yet still retaining all the original techniques as developed by Jose Silva.
This is your opportunity to refresh, renew and take your skills to the next level.
In addition to the time-tested proven methodology to help you awaken, develop and focus your intuition, you will develop and experience several new dynamic meditations - the Droplets of Source Energy, Connection to Source, Planting The Seeds of Purpose, the Holoviewing Technique, and a new Psychometry exercise.
Dr. Wayne Dyer says, "We are spiritual beings having a human experience and not the other way around." Many proponents of higher consciousness, including many religions, have claimed that we are components of Universal Source Energy and one with it.
#1 Learn How To Use And Benefit From Dynamic Meditation
First, we train you to reach your Alpha Level of Mind, and how to function there comfortably and with conscious awareness. As you already know, the Alpha level is known to be associated with intuition and ESP.
#2 Get intuitive 'impressions' and have fun with our new Psychometry exercise.
You will experience undeniable evidence of your own intuition.
#3 Develop Your Powers of Healing and Focused Intuition
#4 Discover Your Purpose in Life with our (new) Connection To Source exercise.
Have you ever felt like there was something you should be doing with your life? Maybe you felt that there is a hidden talent just ready to burst into success or a special soul purpose that you're ready to achieve. Wouldn't it be nice to have guidance from higher intelligence as to how to achieve this?
The Silva Intuition Training teaches you to tap into your intuitive mind to make the right decisions and point yourself in the right direction. We help you find your LIFE PURPOSE. It teaches you how to tap into your intuition to understand what your purpose in life is - and to blast through any roadblocks that may now be in your way.
Isn't it time to live a life aligned with your True Purpose and make the right decisions in all aspects of your life?
#5 Learn a Very Powerful new Silva Technique....The HoloViewing Technique
Nothing you've read comes close to this amazing technique. This technique alone is worth the price of admission.
Program your mind to tap into higher consciousness while you sleep to bring you answers to complex problems and provide you with guidance in life (more advanced than Sleep Control).
You see this guidance as dreams, ideas that pop into your head or physical coincidences in the form of meaningful signs. (More advanced than Dream Control)
Use this powerful technique to make the RIGHT decisions, 70%, 80%, or even 95% of the time.
We use the newHoloViewing Technique to energetically attract Universal Source Energy to manifest in accordance with our solution images or better. This opens us up to receiving guidance, manifesting our goals, and achieving our mission and purpose in life.
Finally, the secret art of Subjective Influencing has been uncovered to help you understand your purpose in today's circumstances, and connect you to the universe to recreate a life worth living!
Silva Intuition Training is the culmination of Jose Silva's 55 years of research and real-world experience with millions of people who have attended his seminars.
Welcome back Silva Life & Intuition Graduate Reviewer! Please see below for all of the course details! Please email Amy a copy of your Silva Life & Intuition Certificate to register. You can email I look forward to seeing you!
As you know this is an In Person four day immersive seminar is not the typical everyday, personal development, motivational seminar that promises instant enlightenment or a quick fix. It combines both the Silva Life System and Silva Intuition System PLUS support so that you have all of the tools you need to continue to incorporate practice into your everyday life and achieve continued success.
Based on more than four decades of mind and brain research, The Silva Method is a reliable way to make more use of the amazing untapped skills of your mind. All you need to do is enjoy applying and practicing the tools you develop in the seminar for 5 to 15 minutes per day.
Please take about 5 minutes to read through all information on our four days together below:
Virtually Over Zoom for Both Weekends - March 29-30 & April 5-6, 2025
Zoom Link will be emailed to you upon registration and each day we meet.
Basic Lecture Series Graduate Upgrade to the New Format Silva Life & Intuition System:
- Must be able to attend ALL 4 Days and Times and have video on
- Must email Amy a copy of your Basic Lecture Series Certificate or ID Card
- Your New Manuals will be mailed to you
$500 course registration Basic Lecture Series Graduate Upgrade to the new format. This includes two new manuals mailed to you and a new certificate indicated Silva Life and Intuition completion with your original certificate number.
- First together you'll learn some key turning points by Jose SILVA in developing this world-renowned program.
- Then you'll discover your roadmap to success and the four necessary skills to gain life mastery.
- Then you'll learn two of the fundamental principles that lay the foundation for the program to Take Command Of Your Life.
- You'll develop the skill of managing your inner dialogue to prevent excessive worry and reduce anxiety. We call it Mental House Cleaning.
- The 5-Step Framework to Solve Problems and Create Solutions.
- How to enjoy a better quality of sleep without drugs or sleep aids.
- How to energize yourself during the day with short Alpha breaks.
- How to wake up on time feeling rested without the need of an alarm clock.
- How to minimize and/or eliminate pain with a special Theta application - without drugs. AWESOME
- And for you innovators, problem solvers, and those re-inventing themselves......How to solve problems and get insights while you sleep by putting your subconscious to work for you.
- The Mental Screen and Memory Pegs to enhance the faculties of Genius - Imagination & Visualization for greater success using the techniques.
- The 3 Fingers Technique - what started this movement in the 1950s.
- You'll be able to access Alpha awareness to help you stay calm, focused, and productive even under pressure.
- You'll learn how to learn faster, absorb, and remember more.
- A new application since 2007 - How to create REAL confidence to overcome performance anxiety - testing or interviews or competitions!
- Everyone's favorite - MIRROR OF THE MIND - the ultimate self-improvement technique. Come prepared with goals.
- During the morning session, we'll revisit the BIG RELAX to strengthen the effectiveness of the 3 to 1 method.
- Then, we'll explore and discover the concept of our connection to Universal Source Energy.
- You can use it to get into a state of being where it feels like the Universe has got your back - FLOW STATE.
- The exercise is called DROPLETS OF SOURCE ENERGY.
- We'll also integrate Source Energy with a deeper understanding of the Mirror of the Mind as well as a tool to get guidance from within. It's called HOLOVIEWING.
- You'll continue to experience expanding your conscious awareness of this new State of Being in 3 different guided meditations to integrate the tools into your inner consciousness.
- We'll use the ALPHA healing sound in the background.
- And that's just the morning!
- We'll be playing with Mental Projection exercises.
- You'll have the opportunity to explore and expand your awareness of how you think and process subjectively at level.
- You'll be cultivating creative imagination and visualization to enhance your self-programming skills.
- You'll also be further developing thought control as we expand our conscious awareness of inner dimensions of the mind.
- These exercises are like calisthenics to awaken intuition.
- First up you'll experience an exercise that is an opportunity for you to get into alignment with your mission and purpose and develop the strategies to fulfill your purpose and continue toward a meaningful purposeful life. - It’s called Connection To Purpose.
- During the morning and afternoon sessions, we'll be playing with Mental Projection exercises.
- You'll have the opportunity to explore how you think and process subjectively at level.
- You'll be cultivating creative imagination and visualization to enhance your self-programming skills.
- You'll also be further developing thought control as we expand our conscious awareness of the inner dimensions of the mind.
- There is one Mental Projection - Dynamic Meditation - Human Body and Mind Kingdom.
- We'll also explore and develop tools in the Laboratory dimension for distant-remote healing for you and those you care about.
- You'll continue to experience expanding your conscious awareness of this new State of Being.
- To develop confidence and trust in your intuition by distinguishing between accurate, reliable insight and fear or wishful thinking.
- To develop spiritual healing proficiency to help family, friends, etc.
- To make better wiser decisions.
- To apply inner wisdom to develop the necessary strategies to rebuild and/or re-invent.
- Please be sure to organize your schedule to be certain to experience ALL of the training programs from start to finish. The program will last from 9 AM (Zoom opens at 8:45 a.m.) to 7 PM each day, even the last day. It is necessary that you attend all sessions. Each day builds on the next.
- Be in a location with stable Wifi and in an environment where you keep your video turned on. Your video being on is a requirement of being in person.
- If you are a new student your manuals will be mailed to you.
- Turn off email, cell phones
- There is minimum note-taking needed but have a pen handy. You'll receive manuals (new students) upon check-in.
- If you are a graduate reviewer, please bring your manuals with you to class.
- Be in a place where you can be comfortable and wear comfortable clothes. Event though you must keep your video on even during meditations, you may get up and move around or stand during discussion.
- Please keep a water bottle and snacks handy.