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Silva Method Atlanta & Western NC

Silva Life & Intuition Immersion | Alpharetta, GA | June 19-22, 2025 | Basic Lecture Series Graduate Upgrade to Silva Life & Intuition Systems

Silva Life & Intuition Immersion | Alpharetta, GA | June 19-22, 2025 | Basic Lecture Series Graduate Upgrade to Silva Life & Intuition Systems

Regular price $500.00 USD
Regular price $500.00 USD Sale price $500.00 USD
Sale Sold out

Must Show BLS Certificate Proof of ID to Register

Welcome back Basic Lecture Series Graduate! The Silva Method upgraded to a new format in 2007. Please take about 5 minutes to read through all of the important information about the updated format Silva Life and Intuition. You must be able to show proof of your Basic Lecture Series certificate or ID card to register.

Many new and exciting exercises, techniques, and enhancements have been added since you first took the Basic Lecture Series. The result today is an evidence-based updated course with a fresh new format, and 40% brand new material, yet still retaining all the original techniques as developed by Jose Silva.

This is your opportunity to refresh, renew and take your skills to the next level.

In addition to the time-tested proven methodology to help you awaken, develop and focus your intuition, you will develop and experience several new dynamic meditations - the Droplets of Source Energy, Connection to Source, Planting The Seeds of Purpose, the Holoviewing Technique, and a new Psychometry exercise.

Dr. Wayne Dyer says, "We are spiritual beings having a human experience and not the other way around." Many proponents of higher consciousness, including many religions, have claimed that we are components of Universal Source Energy and one with it.

#1 Learn How To Use And Benefit From Dynamic Meditation

First, we train you to reach your Alpha Level of Mind, and how to function there comfortably and with conscious awareness. As you already know, the Alpha level is known to be associated with intuition and ESP.

#2 Get intuitive 'impressions' and have fun with our new Psychometry exercise.

You will experience undeniable evidence of your own intuition.

#3 Develop Your Powers of Healing and Focused Intuition 

#4 Discover Your Purpose in Life with our (new) Connection To Source exercise.

Have you ever felt like there was something you should be doing with your life? Maybe you felt that there is a hidden talent just ready to burst into success or a special soul purpose that you're ready to achieve. Wouldn't it be nice to have guidance from higher intelligence as to how to achieve this?

The Silva Intuition Training teaches you to tap into your intuitive mind to make the right decisions and point yourself in the right direction. We help you find your LIFE PURPOSE. It teaches you how to tap into your intuition to understand what your purpose in life is - and to blast through any roadblocks that may now be in your way.

Isn't it time to live a life aligned with your True Purpose and make the right decisions in all aspects of your life?

 #5 Learn a Very Powerful new Silva Technique....The HoloViewing Technique

Nothing you've read comes close to this amazing technique.  This technique alone is worth the price of admission.

Program your mind to tap into higher consciousness while you sleep to bring you answers to complex problems and provide you with guidance in life (more advanced than Sleep Control).

You see this guidance as dreams, ideas that pop into your head or physical coincidences in the form of meaningful signs. (More advanced than Dream Control)

Use this powerful technique to make the RIGHT decisions, 70%, 80%, or even 95% of the time.

We use the newHoloViewing Technique to energetically attract Universal Source Energy to manifest in accordance with our solution images or better. This opens us up to receiving guidance, manifesting our goals, and achieving our mission and purpose in life.

Finally, the secret art of Subjective Influencing has been uncovered to help you understand your purpose in today's circumstances, and connect you to the universe to recreate a life worth living!

Silva Intuition Training is the culmination of Jose Silva's 55 years of research and real-world experience with millions of people who have attended his seminars.

*Please Note: If you wish to take all 4 days of the the updated format, Silva Life and Intuition Systems you must register as a Basic Lecture Series Upgrade registration. This will bring you up to date with the current format and you will receive  updated manuals and an updated Silva Life and Intuition Certificate to review in the future as a Silva Life and Intuition Graduate Reviewer. If you have any questions please email Amy at Thank you!

As you know this is an  In Person four day immersive seminar is not the typical everyday, personal development, motivational seminar that promises instant enlightenment or a quick fix. It combines both the Silva Life System and Silva Intuition System PLUS unmatched support so that you have all of the tools you need to continue to incorporate practice into your everyday life and achieve continued success.

Based on more than four decades of mind and brain research, The Silva Method is a reliable way to make more use of the amazing untapped skills of your mind. All you need to do is enjoy applying and practicing the tools you develop in the seminar for 5 to 15 minutes per day. 

Please take about 5 minutes to read through all information on our four days together below:




2925 Jordan Ct, Alpharetta, GA 30004


(678) 347-0022

Hotell Booking Information will be emailed to you upon registration. A group rate of approximately $109 per night has been assigned to our group (not including taxes and fees).


First time Investment Fee for this first time Silva Life and Intuition Immersion Retreat:

$500 course registration (includes two new manuals, a Silva Life System Manual and Silva Intuition System Manual and a new certificate with your orginal BLS number)

(*NOTE: This is only time you will pay this amount. After upgrading to the Silva Life and Intuition Immersion for the first time, you will receive a certificate in which you can use to review and refresh anytime in the future with any instruction for their Silva Life and Intuition Graduate seat charge/reviewer fee).



Your Adventure of exploring and discovery of human potential and how you can truly take command of your life from a place of calm, creativity and intuition begins THURSDAY  at 8:15 AM  with Day 1 of Silva Life System.
You are about to experience a proven system of techniques that have been very carefully researched and developed so that you gain maximum value. It is necessary that you plan to start on time with us until we finish each day. ACTUALLY, come Early.
Thursday, Day 1 at 8:15 AM  Silva Life System
You'll begin to develop the skill set of Dynamic Meditation and some very cool How-To applications.
8:15 AM Doors Open/Meet and Greet
8:30 AM to 1 PM Session (EST)
  • First together you'll learn some key turning points by Jose SILVA in developing this world-renowned program.
  • Then you'll discover your roadmap to success and the four necessary skills to gain life mastery.
  • Then you'll learn two of the fundamental principles that lay the foundation for the program to Take Command Of Your Life.
  • You'll develop the skill of managing your inner dialogue to prevent excessive worry and reduce anxiety. We call it Mental House Cleaning.
You'll learn the proprietary process of Dynamic Meditation that Mr. Silva spent 22 years developing and finish the morning with an experience of deep, soothing, relaxation THE BIG RELAX.
Today we cover pages one through 23 in the Silva Life System manual.
1-2 PM Lunch Break (Feel free to to have lunch at one of the many eateries within walking distance, or bring your lunch or order in and have lunch in the dining area)
2 PM to 7 PM Session 
You'll continue to develop the skill set of Dynamic Meditation and some very cool How To applications.
  • The 5-Step Framework to Solve Problems and Create Solutions.
  • How to enjoy a better quality of sleep without drugs or sleep aids.
  • How to energize yourself during the day with short Alpha breaks.
  • How to wake up on time feeling rested without the need of an alarm clock.
  • How to minimize and/or eliminate pain with a special Theta application - without drugs. AWESOME
  • And for you innovators, problem solvers, and those re-inventing themselves......How to solve problems and get insights while you sleep by putting your subconscious to work for you.
During this session we cover pages 24 - 44 in the Silva Life System manual.
Friday, Day 2 Silva Life System
8:15 AM Doors Open
8:30 AM to 1 PM Session
We've been developing the tools to be more self-reliant and create a better community.
Today you'll continue to develop the skill set of Dynamic Meditation and more very cool - practical How-To applications.
  • The Mental Screen and Memory Pegs to enhance the faculties of Genius - Imagination & Visualization for greater success using the techniques.
  • The 3 Fingers Technique - what started this movement in the 1950s.
  • You'll be able to access Alpha awareness to help you stay calm, focused, and productive even under pressure.
  • You'll learn how to learn faster, absorb, and remember more.
  • A new application since 2007 - How to create REAL confidence to overcome performance anxiety - testing or interviews or competitions!
  • Everyone's favorite - MIRROR OF THE MIND - the ultimate self-improvement technique. Come prepared with goals.
1-2 PM Lunch Break 
(Feel free to to have lunch at one of the many eateries within walking distance, or bring your lunch or order in and have lunch in the dining area)
It's a full day that you'll appreciate as you apply these skills.

2 PM to 7 PM Session
The adventure continues with so many possibilities to Co-create the life you want.
You'll explore and discover the Laboratory & Counselors Concept.
One of the original sparks of insight that led to the Silva Method.
It's a tool to help facilitate the flow of inner wisdom to guide you in your life.
We'll also explore how you can use the Lab to help family members, solve problems, and do some thinking out of
the box. It's also a fun way to cultivate creative imagination so you can do some possibilities of thinking.
We'll also watch a short video that explores the quantum field and how interconnected we are with all Life.
The exercise is called The Fantastic Voyage.

Saturday & Sunday  Silva Intuition System
Our adventure of exploring, discovery, curiosity and development of our own inherent human potential continues with Days 3 and 4 of Silva Intuition System.
Our mission is to navigate life from a place of calm, creativity, discovery and Intuition!
We've been developing the tools to be more self-reliant and create a better community.
Saturday, Day 3 Start of Silva Intuition System
8:15 AM Doors Open/Pick Up Silva Intuition Materials
Morning 8:30 AM - 1 PM (EST)
We start promptly at 8:30 a.m. and  FOCUS on trusting your intuition and with confidence.
The exercises throughout these last two days are effective confidence builders. The whole weekend will help you to use the Silva Life System tools so much more effectively.
  • During the morning session, we'll revisit the BIG RELAX to strengthen the effectiveness of the 3 to 1 method.
  • Then, we'll explore and discover the concept of our connection to Universal Source Energy.
  • You can use it to get into a state of being where it feels like the Universe has got your back - FLOW STATE.
  • The exercise is called DROPLETS OF SOURCE ENERGY.
  • We'll also integrate Source Energy with a deeper understanding of the Mirror of the Mind as well as a tool to get guidance from within.  It's called HOLOVIEWING.
  • You'll continue to experience expanding your conscious awareness of this new State of Being in 3 different guided meditations to integrate the tools into your inner consciousness.
  • We'll use the ALPHA healing sound in the background.
  • And that's just the morning!
LUNCH BREAK at around 1 PM for an hour.
(No dinner break) 
(Feel free to to have lunch at one of the many eateries within walking distance, or bring your lunch or order in and have lunch in the dining area)
2 PM to 7 PM
  • We'll be playing with Mental Projection exercises.
  • You'll have the opportunity to explore and expand your awareness of how you think and process subjectively at level.
  • You'll be cultivating creative imagination and visualization to enhance your self-programming skills.
  • You'll also be further developing thought control as we expand our conscious awareness of inner dimensions of the mind.
  • These exercises are like calisthenics to awaken intuition.
Our mission then is to learn how to better interpret what we sense so we can more reliably trust our gut.
You'll continue to experience expanding your conscious awareness of this new State of Being.  I'm so  excited for you. It's a very cool day!
Sunday  GRADUATION - 8:30 AM to 7 PM
Morning & Afternoon Sessions 8:30 AM to 7 PM
We've been exploring, expanding our awareness and developing the tools to be more self-reliant, live life from a place of calm, creativity and intuition and create a better community.
  • First up you'll experience an exercise that is an opportunity for you to get into alignment with your mission and purpose and develop the strategies to fulfill your purpose and continue toward a meaningful purposeful life. - It’s called Connection To Purpose.
  • During the morning and afternoon sessions, we'll be playing with Mental Projection exercises.
  • You'll have the opportunity to explore how you think and process subjectively at level.
  • You'll be cultivating creative imagination and visualization to enhance your self-programming skills.
  • You'll also be further developing thought control as we expand our conscious awareness of the inner dimensions of the mind.
  • There is one Mental Projection - Dynamic Meditation - Human Body and Mind Kingdom.
These exercises are like calisthenics to awaken intuition. 
Our mission then is to continue to learn how to better interpret what we sense so we can more reliably trust our gut.
I'll be coaching and guiding you throughout on how to better focus your intuition.
  • We'll also explore and develop tools in the Laboratory dimension for distant-remote healing for you and those you care about.
  • You'll continue to experience expanding your conscious awareness of this new State of Being.
During our last two sessions for this course, you'll have the opportunity to develop more subjective points of reference in the Casework games. Our mission is....
  • To develop confidence and trust in your intuition by distinguishing between accurate, reliable insight and fear or wishful thinking.
  • To develop spiritual healing proficiency to help family, friends, etc.
  • To make better wiser decisions.
  • To apply inner wisdom to develop the necessary strategies to rebuild and/or re-invent.
This day is so transformative! You will get feedback immediately with your intuition! It is very cool!
LUNCH BREAK at around 1 PM for an hour.
(No dinner break)
(Feel free to to have lunch at one of the many eateries within walking distance, or bring your lunch or order in and have lunch in the dining area)
  • Please be sure to organize your schedule to be certain to experience ALL of the training programs from start to finish. The program will last from 8:30 AM (doors open at 8 a.m.) to 7 PM each day, even the last day. It is necessary that you attend all sessions. Each day builds on the next.
  • Turn off email, cell phones
  • There is minimum note-taking needed but have a pen handy. You'll receive manuals (new students) upon check-in.
  • If you are a graduate reviewer, please bring your manuals with you to class.
  • We keep the room a little on the cool side, so please bring a light sweater, or small blanket (you'll be glad you did :) ). Also, some people bring pillows and snacks. Please dress comfortably, the more comfortable you are, the more relaxed you’ll be!
  • Please bring a water bottle!  Using our mental energy and doing self-growth work, believe it or not, is dehydrating so please bring what you will need to nourish your mind and body!
Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
If you are staying on property, breakfast is included in your stay.
For Lunch and Dinner - 
(Feel free to to have lunch at one of the many eateries within walking distance, or bring your lunch or order in and have lunch in the dining area)

If you are staying in the hotel, you have a microwave and mini fridge in your room if you need them.

Our lunch break will be at approximately 1 PM/1:15 PM for an hour.
I'm sure you are looking forward to an exciting event of personal transformation.  I look forward to meeting and personally guiding you through this game-changing self growth experience.
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Transform Your Life in Four Remarkable Days

At the heart of the Silva Life & Intuition Training Seminar lies a meticulously crafted program, honed over nearly five decades and enlightened by the experiences of countless participants from diverse backgrounds. This isn't just another seminar; it's a four-day odyssey into the depths of your mind, packed with empowering tools and experiences. Our trademark in-depth and personalized training system ensures each moment is fertile ground for growth, awakening a sense of power, purpose, and profound intuition within you. Imagine standing at the cusp of your potential, ready to leap into a life where your decisions are guided by deep, intuitive wisdom. This transformation awaits you.

  • A Learning Environment Tailored for Self-Growth

    Each seminar is conducted in a setting that allows for growth and enrichment, allowing for tailored experiences and in-depth exploration. Guided by Certified Silva Method Instructor, Amy Schneider, you're not just attending classes; you're engaging in a life-transforming dialogue with a mentor.

  • Post Graduate Coaching

    Students also exclusive post-course coaching, valued at up to $2000, ensuring that the insights gained become skills lived. This continued support is our investment in your boundless future.

  • Lasting Transformation

    The course is meticulously crafted to instill enduring change. We harness collective wisdom, scientific techniques, and the energy of group dynamics to inspire a profound metamorphosis that resonates long after the seminar concludes.

  • Certificates, Reference Materials & Lifetime Review Priviledges

    Students receive two resource manuals, a Silva Life System manual & Silva Intuition System manual (Those students who are upgrading to the new material from the Basic Lecture Series will also receive new manuals) detailing all the tools and techniques for your home review and support. Upon completion, Silva Life & Intuition graduates receive a Silva Life & Intuition certificate and ID card. Graduates then can use this certificate to review the Silva Life and Intuition program any time in the future with any instructor for only the Graduate Reviewer seat charge/facility fee of that instructor.

Class Location

Doubletree by Hilton Atlanta/Alpharetta

2925 Jordan Court, Alpharetta GA 30004

Group Rate information emailed upon class registration

  • 9AM - 7PM

    *Doors open and Registration begins at 8 AM and instruction begins PROMPTLY at 8:30 AM

    **Lunch Break for 1 Hour

    ***Small breaks throughout the day

  • 9AM - 7PM

    *Doors open and Registration begins at 8 AM and instruction begins PROMPTLY at 8:30 AM

    **Lunch Break for 1 Hour

    ***Small breaks throughout the day

  • 9AM - 7PM

    *Doors open and Registration begins at 8 AM and instruction begins PROMPTLY at 8:30 AM

    **Lunch Break for 1 Hour

    ***Small breaks throughout the day

  • 9AM - 7PM

    *Doors open and Registration begins at 8 AM and instruction begins PROMPTLY at 8:30 AM

    **Lunch Break for 1 Hour

    ***Small breaks throughout the day

Our Money Back Gaurantee

Silva is not a “Quick Fix” and just like any rich, deep and worthwhile experience and skill, takes practice.It is a proven Mind and Brain Retraining Technology process that with as little as 5 to 15 minutes of daily application, we can guarantee your satisfaction.

All we ask is that you attend, participate and complete the entire four-day program (in the same time period that you registered in) with Amy Schneider CSMI.

If upon completion of the 4 days you are not satisfied, simply do not accept your certificate and request a refund. More importantly, Silva works when you apply it. 

You can count on Silva’s proprietary, step-by-step process that millions of people just like you have benefited from.

What if Life Could Be Better?

By applying the time and research tested, step-by-step, life transforming techniques below, you will learn to manage your energy better, align and focus on your goals, overcome limiting beliefs and enhance creative problem solving.

  • Three Fingers Technique

    Learn how to thrive better and better in a world plagued with information overload. Learn how to speed learn with the 3 FINGER TECHNIQUE and achieve creative solutions through our visualization and imagination techniques

  • Alpha Breaks

    Manage your energy and enjoy Alpha Breaks to revitalize and rejuvenate after a tough day, long road trips or journeys and gain more energy.

  • Laboratory & Counselors Concept

    You will learn creative problem solving, as you learn to tune in to your higher self.  There is even so much more you will take away from this amazing building block to Silva Intuition System.

  • Focus Everyday Intuition to Enhance "Good Luck"

    Develop the art of being in the right place at the right time more consistently.In addition to the time tested proven methodology to help you awaken, develop and focus your intuition, you will develop and experience several new dynamic meditations -the Droplets Of Source Energy, Connection To Purpose, and Planting The Seeds Of Purpose. You will experience immediate feedback with your intuition.

  • Mirror of the Mind

    Master the Law Of Attraction with Mirror Of The Mind: This technique alone is more than worth the price of admission. You will learn the technology and art of manifesting what you want. Mental Rehearsal skills for improvement in any area of interest such as; sales performance, reducing performance anxiety, eliminating fears and phobias and enhancing a relationship.

  • The HoloViewing Technique

    Nothing you've read comes close to this amazing technique. Program your mind to tap into higher consciousness while you sleep to bring you answers to complex problems and provide you with guidance in life. You see this guidance as dreams, ideas that pop into your head or physical coincidences in the form of meaningful signs.

  • The Relaxation Exercise

    Develop the skill of achieving a deep state of physical and mental relaxation in a matter of moments. This is proven to be effective to stay calm and focused no matter where you are at in your day, year or life. The health benefits of controlled relaxation have been documented in countless University studies

  • Mental House Cleaning

    Self - Talk has been repeatedly shown to have a profound influence on your ability to control emotions and manage stress. Stuff happens and yet what you say to yourself in times of difficulty is the sole determinant of your success. This is an excellent technique that will help you to stay positive, hopeful and optimistic in challenging times.

  • Sleep Control & Dream Control 

    Sleep Control technique will help you .to sleep like baby. . .anytime, anywhere without the use of the drugs.

    In Dream Control technique you will experience how to use and tap into your dreams to help problem solve and fulfill your dreams! You will go through the step-by-step guide to utilizing your dreams to solve problems and overcome obstacles.